““Gladys has been instrumental to me feeling more optimistic and in control of my life.””
“Defining the art of healing energetically can be a bit tricky. It can be expressed though results as broad and diverse as simply feeling better about difficult circumstances and discovering they hold value, to diminishment of pain, to the release and resolution of emotional and physical trauma, to releasing blocks to more fully experience love, appreciation, material abundance and physical thriving. Essentially all aspects of well-being and the ability to thrive may be addressed. If I thought of my body as a car, it simply runs better. This has been my experience with Gladys. A talented and highly skilled empath, it’s clear she has studied and honed skills to work in tandem with her clients to locate energetic imbalances and create space for balance, thus creating an opportunity for an improved state of being. My own experience? I’ve found I feel a shift that makes “the problem” difficult to hold on to. Like a break in the clouds enough to see the sunshine, this practice allows both mind and body to access possibilities, to attain a preferred state otherwise unseen. Go with an open mind to experience her unique process as she facilitates, as loving tour guide, a journey of possibilities for increased wisdom, strength and well-being that will impact not just you but those around you.”
Victoria Camden, CA
Life changing experience. Gladys knows her field of expertise and personalizes it to fit each person's needs. I had been struggling with anxiety for more than 20 years and honestly, had lost all hopes to ever feel my "normal" self ever again. Gladys was able to pin point exactly where all my worries where originating from and guided me to a state of self healing. I invested in myself and I will never regret that! Hypnotherapy has been an amazing journey of learning to listen to my body and my soul. I happen to work in the field and leaning new techniques of mindfulness have not only help me, but also those that I care of in my place of work. I am forever thankful I met Gladys. And for anyone still doubting whether or not you can heal.....please do not hesitate in meeting this beautiful soul. Gladys is more than a professional in her field. She honestly and genuinely cares for the people that are under her guidance.
Claudia Lopez, Counselor, IN
"Facing the delivery of my baby, I was anxious and at times downright terrified. Not only of the delivery itself, but of being a new mom - of course I wanted so much to be the best mom I could be. I was so fortunate to have stumbled across Gladys for prenatal massages because she opened me up to a whole new world in hynotherapy. I had a number of hypnobirthing sessions with Gladys and after every session, I felt renewed, relaxed, strong, confident, and esctatic about the life-changing events I was soon to experience. Not only did I feel equipped with the knowledge and emotional strength to get through my labor and delivery without the paralyzing anxiety and obsession of pain, I also gained profound insight into myself as an individual and surfaced with an innate confidence that I could master life's challenges and scary moments. She taught me how to trust myself, my instincts, and my natural abilities even more deeply than I have before. My labor and delivery not only went smoothly and calmly, but the focus I learned through hypnobirthing resulted in my baby coming into this world in only 14 minutes!! My doctor, nurse, husband and mother all looked at me in stunned awe. It was truly amazing! My doctor left me with the advice to not brag about my labor/delivery to any of my friends with children; she could guarantee their deliveries were not so seamless. Gladys will forever have my gratitude and love."
Charmeri Elam Thom, IL
"I want start off by saying thanks for introducing me to my next venture. I report for the first night was great. I felt more relax when I went to bed and of course I did take my hot bath to relax when I got home. I was very relaxed when I went to sleep, because I was able to dream which I have not done in a long time. Interesting was one dream was about my aunt that has past on and she was singing on stage. My aunt was singing a song by her favorite artist (I don't remember the song), Second part of sleep was of me asking Tony if he wanted to be my donor and he said he wanted to be the father. I'm never sure with my dreams if they are what I want to hear or if my angels are giving me messages. I woke up this morning in a great mood and felt well rested, but wanted more sleep if that makes any sense. My mantra coming to work this morning was I trust myself (never thought of that before, but came to me this morning). I will not bore you with my day to day POSITIVE changes I will see you next week. I just wanted to let you know my first night."
Anita L., Chicago IL.
"When I first came to see Gladys, I had just been diagnosed with a serious health condition. I was incredibly sad, cried daily, and felt completely out of control. Working with Gladys over the last few months has really changed my outlook on my current state and where I ultimately hope to end up. By incorporating a variety of approaches--from energy healing to acupuncture to hypnosis--she has been instrumental to me feeling more optimistic and in control of my life. I'm waking up happier, I'm tackling my health problems with more of a level head, and the quality of my relationships have improved. I plan to continue working with her...and I know that the relaxation and coping techniques she has taught me will stay with me for the rest of my life."
Dr. Alex G., Chicago IL.
"Gladys has an incredible acumen for insight; her intuition is spot on! I've seen her for both massage and an intuitive reading, and was blown away by how accurate and restorative the experiences were. She was able to pinpoint areas where I needed healing, check in with me about them, and help me deal with and clear them. She's wonderful!"
Sonja, Chicago IL.
"Gladys has deep compassion and powerful intuition. She is a fabulous healer. Her past life regression workshop was a safe and illuminating journey. She has a gift for holding space for the divine to come through."
Mary L., Chicago IL.
"Gladys is an amazing Counselor. She has the ability to tune into the client and/or prospect so that she can deliver the most appropiate and meaningful guidance and direction. As you continue sessions with her, she brings you to your uniqueness to help move you forward in life. The best is yet to come!"
Philip Clark, Chicago, IL., Professional Training and Coaching, Northwestern University
"I have had the pleasure of working alongside Gladys Tisera for several years as a colleague. She is a consummate professional, and also relates to people with warmth and authenticity as well. Her clients feel respected by her and get amazing results. I recommend Gladys with highest regards."
Kalina McCarthy, Chicago, IL.
"I experienced unexpected claustrophobia twice when having an MRI. The tests were relatively short but the memory of the experience never faded. When another MRI was ordered I figured I had made it through before and could again. It wasn't until arriving for the test that I found out that this time it would be an hour and half. I was unable to go through with it and was filled with such dread that I kept delaying the test even though. I was told that a tranquilizer could be prescribed. I also knew that tranquilizers had not worked for my siblings, all four of whom also had the same experience with MRIs. I had recently started working with Gladys for memory retrieval. She met with me twice to prepare for the test, the second time the day before. The day of the MRI I was completely calm before and during. It was an astounding experience. I was so pleased with the results that I am continuing to work with Gladys."
Star L., Chicago, IL.