Aligned Alchemy - Life & Wellness Coaching

Aligned Alchemy - Life & Wellness Coaching
Aligned Alchemy Life & Wellness Coaching 90 days - Involves a combination of life and wellness coaching techniques , awareness, tools and exercises to guide you and feel better navigate through your difficulties and challenges but mostly importantly get you to connect with your true nature , talents and natural abilities . Set you up for meta shifts. In this container I make use of all my tools combined into one space , you’ll notice a physical change, an emotional change, an uplifting of vital force, you become clear minded as you become better skill at operating from a reality and cyclical energy of renewal, higher and deeper consciousness, birthing new opportunities for yourself, a place of thriving rather than a surviving brain.
We look into your unconscious mind, patterns and behavior by utilization ancient practices as well making use of modern mind technologies
How do you manage your energy? I give you the elements and support you need as we walk through it together I hold your hand every step of the way and bring you better understanding of yourself and/or others in your circle , personal or business relationships, dynamic flows and what does all mean for you?
what it’s required to reach that gap? For expansive growth? unstuck yourself?
How do manage your emotions? are they truly been process, transmuted and exited out your system and body all together ?
I know how to do it and teach you how you can do it for yourself at any age at any time. My work is truly transformational and life changing
My personal style is of a gentle disruptor breaking up mental weeds that often can take hold of an individual over years of conditioning and programming. Or with gentleness ….
In this very unique, one of a kind space, Not other container in the world exists today that I know of (22 yrs ) in private clinical practice,
as a psychic medium I bring different kinds of information for my clients aim to heal, release different kinds of emotional and mental blockages at once.
If your spirit is been yearning for a long time now for this space trying to make it all make sense, or wanting a place of belonging but you cannot quite find it out there , well if you reading this all the way to the end is because you already find it .
become a part of something greater, a selective community of Energy Medicine Elite group of individuals, that are here to fulfill a purpose and openly assist and shared they’re experiences with one an other with pleasure joy and happiness for all. It’s electrifying !
email me at or call 312-965-7991 for details to how to get you start and see if we are the right fit for each other.