Shamanic Massage

Shamanic Massage

from $135.00

Shamanic Massage Healing is a highly form of non-conventional massage therapy hands on, was develop by my own unique intuitive healing channels build in (Taoist and shamanic ) and professionally cultivated and develop over the span of just a little over 23 years in clinical full time private practice working with thousands of people on a wide range of ailments. I combined my studies of Traditional Chinese Medicine tools, Taoist internal alchemy/ medical intuitive /Qi Gong practices of healing the body and mind holistically within.

My family ancestry of Guarani healer + clairvoyance visions gives me a very unique 3D visual perspective while working on your body. Not only I can identify where your blockages are but also I can open them and release them in real time with my hands and of course with my psychic abilities I will find what’s holding you back.

Moving your stagnated blockages, negative energy, feelings of chronic or acute pain, or cognitive dissonance leaving you afterwards with an enhance vibration of a light elevated feeling, that could be experienced as a profound cleanse (purge) or a high voltage of energy.

All my sessions incorporate a mini Life coaching, spiritual activation or subconscious clearing element to it, this incredible value normally is set worth thousands of dollars .

THIS IS NOT YOUR ORDINARY MASSAGE, just check out what my clients are already saying on Google reviews.

*For additional private coaching time with me 1:1 please sign up for it’s special container and offers



Thank you and I look forward to assisting you with any questions you may have. Call or text me directly at 312.965.7991

Ready to experience tangible holistic results live?

love, Gladys.

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